CHIC Data Delivery Awards and Other Research Data Requests

The Children's Health Informatics Core (CHIC) is proud to introduce the CHIC Data Delivery Awards. This initiative is designed to support and streamline the process for handling requests that lack funding.

This new program entails a subsidy application process, through which researchers and requesters can apply for assistance when they encounter funding constraints related to clinical data access. Our aim is to ensure that vital data delivery continues to support the critical research that drives advancements in children's health, while also ensuring sustainability of the CHIC program.

Each application will undergo a review by both the CHIC leadership team and the CHIC steering committee to select the highest quality and most promising requests. The team's goal is to ensure a fair and strategic allocation of resources. 

Please contact us with any questions during this transition using the email address:


The Children's Health Informatics Core Leadership Team

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