Is this request for a Study?
* must provide value
Yes No
Policy Exception Risk Assessment Policy Exception
Risk Assessment
Note: Policy Exception and Risk Assessments can take up to 8 weeks to complete
Exception Duration
* must provide value
48 Hours 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days 120 Days 180 Days 365 Days 48 Hours
30 Days
60 Days
90 Days
120 Days
180 Days
365 Days
What is It & When is a Full Ad-Hoc Risk Assessment Required? An Information Security (InfoSec) Ad Hoc Risk Assessment (RA) is required any time a new technology, system, product, service, or device is being considered for implementation or use at Children's. In some cases, introducing significant changes (such as additional functionality or an upgrade) to an existing technology may require an amended RA or a new one. The RA must be completed prior to signing a contract with a vendor or deploying new technology , unless there is an approved InfoSec Policy Exception allowing for this to occur before the RA is complete. Please reference the 8-23 Information Security Risk Management Policy for more information. The goal of the RA is to identify and report any security risks associated with the vendor and/or technology and ensure that the implementation of the technology or service meets or exceeds Children's Information Security Policies and Standards (see Policies 8-00 to 8-70 ).
What is a 48 Hour Duration Policy Exception? Children's has Information Security policies, standards, and procedures (please see Policies 8-00 to 8-70), which must be adhered to in order to maintain the organization's information security maturity level. The Information Security (InfoSec) policy exception process is used to ask for approval for any request that deviates from the policy elements and controls specified in the InfoSec policies and standards. Similar to the standard policy exception process, the Children's Information Cyber Security Team has developed a process to accommodate a specific set of request types that are only needed for period of less than 48 hours. The intention is to be able to process these requests quickly and accommodate short term, low risk, policy exception request items. What are the types of 48 Hour Duration Policy Exception requests? A. Write to file storage site (e.g., EmoryBox.com, Box.com, Dropbox, Google Drive, Sharefile) B. Access a blocked website C. Write to encrypted removable media (e.g., USB drive, SD Card, etc.) D. Device control - allow execution of restricted file types (e.g., .EXE, .BIN, .ZIP files) from removable media E. Allow execution of remote desktop software for vendor support activities (e.g., Bomgar)
What is an Information Security (InfoSec) Policy Exception? Children's has IS&T Policies, Standards, and Procedures (please see Policies 8-00 to 8-70) which must be adhered to in order to maintain the organization's InfoSec maturity level. The InfoSec policy exception process is used to ask for approval for any request that deviates from the controls specified in the IS&T Policies and Standards. The IT GRC Team does not support or deny requests. IT GRC processes policy exception requests and ensures approvals are obtained from the appropriate level of management. The InfoSec Policy Exception Review Committee provides a final decision to support or deny the request.
Common Requests that Require an Approved InfoSec Policy Exception Before Proceeding Implement a System or Application without an InfoSec Ad-Hoc Security Risk Assessment. Write to Removable Media (e.g., USB Device) Write to Unencrypted Removable Media (e.g., USB Device) Access or Execute Compressed (.ZIP) or Executable (.EXE) files from Removable Media (e.g., USB Device) Access to External Email Services (e.g., Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) from the Children's Network Local Admin Rights to Children's Workstation(s)Non-Expiring Password for Service Account(s) Upload Files to a File Sharing Site (e.g., Google Drive, Box, Dropbox) Create a Vendor Generic User Account (Login ID or EID) for Support Activities Connect Non-Children's Owned Devices to the Children's Network System/Application Exclusions to Anti-Virus Scans (Note: this does not include file/folder exclusions which are managed by Cyber Security directly and do not require a policy exception) System Patch Management Exclusions (e.g., Manual Reboot, Do Not Patch, etc.) Connect an Outdated System to the Children's Network.
Requestor Name
* must provide value
Requestor Email Address
* must provide value
Requestor Department
* must provide value
Vendor Selection Contract Phase Implementation Post Implementation IRB Approval DUA\ IAA Approval
PI Name
* must provide value
First Name, Last Name
Study Name
* must provide value
Length of Study
* must provide value
Due Date
* must provide value
M-D-Y please indicate date this assessment is due
IRB Number
* must provide value
Enter Pending if waiting for IRB approval
Which IRB reviewed your study submission?
* must provide value
Don't know
Research Operational Clinical Research
Is this a funded study?
* must provide value
Yes No
Will any PHI be collected using the requested device/software?
Yes No
Will any PII be collected using the requested device/software?
Yes No
What is the Sensitive or Confidential Data being used ?
* must provide value
How many Patients will be invovled in this study?
* must provide value
How many Study Staff Users ?
* must provide value
Existing Technology Software New Technology Software Existing Technology Hardware\Device New Technology Hardware\Device
Does this request involve a medical device?
* must provide value
Yes No
What is the location of this medical device?
* must provide value
Please add campus and floor location
Is this medical device only used for research?
* must provide value
Yes No
Please add campus and floor location
Is the medical device related to Cardiology?
* must provide value
Yes No
New (purchase) Loaner Donated
Who is the Clinical director over ______ ?
* must provide value
First name, Last name
First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address
Would you like to include anyone else in the emails regarding this request?
* must provide value
Yes No
Number of Additional Emails
* must provide value
1 2 3 4 5
Additional Email Address
* must provide value
Additional Email Address
* must provide value
Additional Email Address
* must provide value
Additional Email Address
* must provide value
Additional Email Address
* must provide value
Name of Vendor Vendor Contact Number Vendor Email Address Vendor Information e.g address , website
Name of Vendor
* must provide value
Vendor Information e.g address , website
Security Documentation required for a Risk Asessment
Send More Information Email
Send More Information Email (Again)
Outstanding Items Needed:
(Will be sent to user in email)
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